5th May 2023: Term 1 closed.
1st May 2023: Study tour to Karuma Hydropower Plant.
1st Aril 2023: Traffic Police officers taught and reminded about road safety guidelines.
1st March 2023: Preperation for planting in this new season.
19th March 2023: Basketball at school.
6th February 2023: Opening of the school for 2023.
2nd February 2023: Painted the school.
31. January 2023: Exams results: 3 in first grade, 24 in second grade, 7 in third grade and 2 in fourth grade.
The best was a girl.
23rd December 2022: Christmas packeges for the staff and presents for some of the sponsored children.
24th November 2022: The Farm is doing well. We harvested beans and maize.
20th November 2022: End of year Exams.
11th October 2022: Donation from Birte and Birger, Denmark, 10 beds and 100 mosqito nets.
7th November 2022: Exams PLE Primary 7.
30th October 2022: Our scouts cleaned in Kiryandongo town.
29th October 2022: Tour to Uganda National Museum in Kampala, The aiport, The beach Victoria Lake and playtime at Freedom City.
19th October 2022: Representitives from the District talked about body hygiene and health topics.
8th October 2022: Celebrating 10 Year Anniversery for Education at Mak-Jolly School held at Kristent Center Jyderup, Denmark. Donation were given by Lions Svinninge and Lions Kalundborg, Denmark.
22nd September 2022: Donation from volunteer Rikke and Ida and family towards elctricity installed at the school. Helps reloading battery in computers.
10th September 2022: Donation to pay of the land for the Farming Project. Thanks to Bibelværkstedet Nykøbing Falster, Tornved Y's Men's Club and Holbæk Y's Men's Club, Denmark. Also thanks to Kristent Center Jyderup, Denmark. Thanks to Uffe and Jyderup Bridgeklub, Denmark, and thanks to Frank and Lone, Denmark.
28th August 2022: Tornved Y's Men's Club, Denmark, donated for the Land, Farming Project.
18th August 2022: Volunteers Ida and Rikke go back to Denmark.
10th August 2022: Donation from a concert held at Kristent Center Jyderup, Denmark.
26th July 2022: Holbæk Frikirke, Denmark, donated 70 pair of shoes.
21st July 2022: Ida and Rikke, volunteers from Denmark, arrive at the school.
17th July 2022: Goodbye to the volunteers Inge and her daughters.
12th July 2022: Volunteer Inge and her 2 daughters from Denmark visited the school.
19th May 2022: Uncle Per visits the school with a lot of toys and computers.
9th May 2022: Bibelværkstedet Nykøbing Falster, Denmark, donated food.
29th March 2022: Skovbo Y's Men's Club, Denmark, donated towards an updating of the playground.
18th March 2022: Athletics competition against other schools.
7th March 2022: Our scouts cleaned th compound around the school.
17th February 2022: Lions Kalundborg, Denmark, donated 10 beds.
13th February 2022: Tour to Mombi Hill.
7th February 2022: Ambassador Lisbeth talks about Mak-Jolly in Kristent Center Jyderup, Denmark.
3rd February 2022: Workshop for Kindergarten and Lower Primary.
18th January 2022: 476 books received from Ministry of Education and Sports, Uganda, P1:150, P2 150: P3 123: P4 53.
10th January 2022: New textbooks to our Library from Kristent Center Jyderup, Denmark.
10th January 2022: School opens again. Term 1 begins.
24th December 2021: Foodpackeges for the staff.
17th December 2021: Christmas Party.
22nd November 2021: Donation from Kalundborg Y's Men's Club, Denmark, for a solar for the nurse building.
13th October 2021: Ambassador Lisbeth sharing her time as a volunteer in Tornved Y's Men's Club, Denmark
16th September 2021: Preperation for reopening the school.
16th July 2021: Donation from Tornved Y's Men's Club, Denmark, for studymateriel and nurse things.
8th June 2021: Donation from Tornved Y's Men's Club and Lions Svinninge, Denmark.
6th June 2021: Donation for Land Farming Project.
6th June 2021: All schools close for 42 days because of covid 19.
28th May 2021: Holliday until 6th June.
21st May 2021: Fruit day. Thanks to sponsors. Exams for Primary 6. Visit from friend Melinda from USA.
5th May 2021: Special meal day. Thanks to sponsors.
4th May 2021: Tailoring lessons for Primary 6 and replanting trees.
19th April 2021: Welcome back to Primary 4 and 5.
31st March 2021: Exams for Primary 7 well done.
28th March 2021: Distribution of class materials to the children in their homes.
25th March 2021: Goodbye Party for Primary 7.
15th March 2021: Recieve studying materials for Primary 7 and 5 from Ministry of Education.
8th March 2021: Happy Women's Day.
1st March 2021: Welcome back Primary 6.
27th February 2021: Sick bay and nurse room is under construction.
5th February 2021: Books for Primary 7 and fruits, thanks to sponsors.
18th January 2021: Primary 7 begins term 3.
23rd December 2020: Food packages for the staff. Wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
18th December 2020: Mock exams.
13th December 2020: Distributed home learning materials. Impressed to see and hear about some of their projects.
6th December 2020: Special meal for Primary 7 and fruits, thanks to sponsors.
13th November 2020: Food packages for the staff. Special meal for Primary 7 and fruits, thanks to sponsors.
15th October 2020: Got certificate of compliance the SOP covid-19. 24 students reported out of 40.
15th October 2020: Only Primary 7 begins term 2.
14th October 2020: Making final preparations for opening the school againg, each student get 4 masks.
7th October 2020: Food packages for the teachers.
9th September 2020: Wall of Fame for Kindergarten building. Thanks to all who donated.
2nd September 2020: Donation from Kristent Center Jyderup, Denmark, for food packages for the teachers.
22nd August 2020: Toilet made for teachers and volunteers.
6th August 2020: Learning materials and projects were given out to all the students.
31st July 2020: Food packages for the teachers.
10th July 2020: Donation from Bibelværkstedet Nykøbing Falster, Denmark, for holliday packages to all students during the lockdown due to covid-19.
9th July 2020: Donation from Holbæk Fjord Y's Men's Club, Denmark, for a solar and food packages for teachers.
27th June 2020: Food packages for the teachers. Thanks to volunteers for the donation.
25th June 2020: Donation was given by Tornved Y's Men's Club, Denmark, towards doors, windows and roof for dormitory boys.
24th June 2020: Holliday packages and projects were distributed to all the students and announced in the radio.
6th June 2020: Donation from volunteers for holliday package for the students and for a new toilet for teachers and volunteers.
5th June 2020: Food packages for the teachers.
5th June 2020: World Environment Day. Planted trees and bushes.
12th May 2020: Donation was given by Holbæk Fjord Y's Men's Club, Denmark, towards books for library, new tables and water stations.
1st May 2020: End of term 1.
20th March 2020: National lockdown for all schools in Uganda.
13th March 2020: Watertank 10000 L donated by Lions Kalundborg, Denmark.
12th March 2020: Gutters were put up on kindergarten building.
12th March 2020: Special meal were given. Rice and Beef.
6th March 2020: The scouts visited the police station and the RDCs office. Collected trash and rubbish in Kiryandongo Town.
6th March 2020: Eggs were given instead of fruit. Thanks to sponsors.
26th February: Faceboards were put up on kindergarten building.
19th February 2020: Sanitary pads for the girls for one month were donated by Lions Svinninge, Denmark.
18th February 2020: Making floor in the first room of kindergarten building for a library.
16th February 2020: Teachers seminar. Kindergarten to Primary 3. Learning about sounds.
15th February 2020: Beds for boarding section were donated by Lions Svinninge, Denmark.
14th February 2020: Desks were donated by Lions Svinninge, Denmark.
13th February 2020: Bicycles to Kindergarten donated by Lions Svinninge, Denmark.
12th February 2020: Special meal was given. Rice, beef and watermelon. Thanks to sponsors.
7th February 2020: Making storage for firewood.
3rd February 2020: Term 1 begins for Kindergarten and Primary 1 to 5.
27th January 2020: Term 1 begins for Primary 6 and 7.
18th January 2020: Started the construction for a boarding section for boys. Thanks to Lions Svinninge, Denmark.
17th January 2020: Exams results for Primary 7. 2 in first grade. The best was a girl. 18 in second grade and 4 in third grade.
25th November 2019: Speechday. 59 graduated.
22nd November 2019: Buildings painted white.
18th November 2019: Tour to Uganda Museum, Freedom City playground and around Kampala.
7th November 2019: Fruitday watermelon.
4th-5th November 2019: Exams for Primary 7.
2nd November 2019: Prayers for Primary 7 pupils.
23rd October 2019: Fruitday oranges.
16th October 2019: Vaccination Measels and Polio.
15th October 2019: Volleyball courts.
4th-5th October 2019: Uncle Per gives special meal and fruits. Brings computers, shoes, presents, toys, phones, microscopes, footballs and books from Læs For Livet, Denmark.
26th September 2019: Fruitday, eggs for breakfast.
9th September 2019: Term 3 begins
23rd August 2019: Term 2 ends.
21st August 2019: Mock Exams for P7.
27th july 2019: One child were awarded silver medal at district level athlete competitions.
20th July 2019: Football matches against other schools.
18th July 2019: Sowing machines were set up. Donated from Bibelværkstedet, Denmark.
9th July 2019: Volunteer Lisbeth from Denmark comes to the school for 3 weeks.
1st July 2019: Football matches against other schools.
26th June 2019: Tour in community for kindergarten.
They visited the police station, hospital, churches, a mosque and finally the market were they looked at all the different things sold in a market. I want to thank all the officials in the respective places who took time off to talk to our little ones and answer their many questions. The children were inspired. Some now want to be doctors, nurses, policemen/women, religious servants and others want to have their own businesses when they grow up.
26th June 2019: Summerparty Tornved Y's Men's Club, Denmark. Donation towards the borehole was given by Vlado.
20th May 2019: Term 2 begins.
19th May 2019: Donation given by Bibelværkstedet, Nykøbing Falster, Denmark, towards sewing machines and well.
10th May 2019: Consert in Kristent Center Jyderup, Denmark. Donation was given towards a well.
6th May 2019: Donation given by Lions Kalundborg, Denmark.
28th April 2019: Donation given by Slagelse Frikirke, Denmark.
26th April 2019: Term 1 Ends.
18th April 2019: Sportsday against other schools in Kiryandongo District.
Mak-Jolly was number 5 out of 8 schools.
25th March 2019: Donation given by Odsherred Y's Men's Club, Denmark.
8th March 2019: Celebrating International Women's Day.
7th March 2019: Donation received from Sorø-Dianalund Y's Men's Club, Denmark.
For beds and mosquito nets in the girls dormitory.
2nd March 2019: The girls are happy to sleep in the new dormitory.
13th February 2019: Windows and doors are in the new dormitory and the priest blessed our new school bus.
8th February 2019: Donation received from Tornved Y's Men's Club, Denmark.
For the roof of the girls new dormitory.
6th February 2019: Registration Certificate ECD Centres for Mak-Jolly Kindergarten.
4th February 2019: School officially opens. Term 1 2019 begins.
21st January 2019: Primary 6 & 7 begins.
17th January 2019: Reusults from P7 exams 2018.
21 sat for exams. Boys: Div1=5 boys, Div2=6 boys and Div3=2 boys. Girls: Div1=0, Div2=7 girls and Div3= 1 girl. It is so very good results. All performed in the best half.
14th January 2019: Computer lessons given to former P7 pupils.
10th January 2019: Interwviewing new teachers and workers.
2nd January 2019: Registration of new pupils.
7th December 2018: End of Year.
5th December 2018: Donations for footballs for new project.
1st December 2018: Schoolfee for one year to Gloria donated by Lions Kalundborg, Denmark.
26th November 2018: Exams Term 3.
20th November 2018: Donation was given by Kalundborg Y's Mens Club, Denmark.
2nd November 2018: Started the construction of the boardingsection for girls.
29th and 30th October 2018: Exams for Primary 7.
28th October 2018: Party for Primary 7 Candidates and parents.
22nd October 2018: Donation was given by Skovbo Y's Mens Club, Denmark.
19th October 2018: Tour
Went to the Parliament in Kampala, Uganda Martyrs in Shrine Namugongo and a playland in Freedom City, Kampala.
7th October 2018: Donation was given by Jyderup Bridgeklub, Denmark.
1st October 2018: 30 Bibels were donated by friends in Denmark.
17th September 2018: Term 3 begins and the new kindergarten is used for baby, middle and top class and Primary 1.
1st September 2018: Donation was given by Næstved Y's Men's Klub, Denmark.
29th August 2018: Private donations.
27th August 2018: Term 3 begins for Primary 7.
24th August 2018: Donation was given by friends in Denmark.
20th August 2018: Exams for Primary 7.
17th August 2018: Term 2 Ends for up to Primary 6.
6th August 2018: End of Term 2 Exams.
16th July 2018: Midterm Exams.
27th June 2018: Summerparty at Y's Men, Denmark.
Holbæk, Holbæk Fjord, Odsherred and Tornved Y's Men Clubs. Show photo of new kitchen and news from Mak-Jolly. A donation was given.
19th June 2018: Private donation for Kindergarten Roof.
4th June 2018: Donation from Lions Club Svinninge, Denmark.
Thanks for the donation. Will be used for the roof on the new kindergarten building.
3rd June 2018: Donation from Bibelværkstedet, Denmark
Thanks to Bibelværkstedet, Denmark, for the donation of 30 beds and for the love gift for a part of the roof on the new kindergarten building.
28th May 2018: Term 2 starts
26th May 2018: Market held in Denmark by Kristent Center Jyderup
Thanks for all the things for the market. Thanks to all that came and bought things to support Mak-Jolly. Thanks to Kristent Center Jyderup, Denmark,
for the donation.
16th May 2018: Donations were given by Holbæk Frikirke and Kristent Center Jyderup, Denmark.
7th May 2018: Start Term 2 for Primary 7
27th April 2018: End of Term 1
26th April 2018: Donation was given by Sorø-Dianalund Y's Men's Club, Denmark.
23rd April 2018: Exams
6th April 2018: Competing in Athletics against other schools.
Mak-Jolly came third. 3 winners. Very good. Congrats.
5th April 2018: Facebook post by volunteers Ida and Mary after 6 weeks in Mak-Jolly
"Volunteering at Mak-Jolly school for 6 weeks has been an amazing experience.
Thank you so much for the love and for taking good care for us. Being a part of Mak-Jolly has been a dream come true.
We are so grateful for the staff and we want to thank you for everything you did to us; to the Kitchen Lady who made special food for us, even when she was sick. To the driver who drove us anywhere we wanted to go, even on weekends when he was free. And for the teacher who invited us at her home and made food for us with her family. And last but not least thank you to Maureen who always made sure that we were alright and escorted us to Kampala for 4 hours and drove back again to Kiryandongo the same day just to make sure we arrived safely - thank you so much!
Thank you Maureen Hansen and Per Hansen for the good work you have done to all those kids in Kiryandongo who need help. You are both such a blessing for them! We will pray that everything will be fine and your plans for the school will come true. It has been a pleasure to be a part of your lovely family. We will surely come back.
Best regards from your volunteers Ida and Mary".
23rd March 2018: Exams
19th March 2018: Donation was given by Kalundborg Y's Men's Club, Denmark.
3rd March 2018: Facebook post by volunteer Magnus after 4 weeks in Mak-Jolly
"Thank you to everyone who has been part of my stay in Uganda, and especially in Mak Jolly. It has been the most fantastic experience. Meeting the staff and children, who are all amazing, being a part of their everyday life, and learning so much about a place that is so different from where i come from. But one thing stays the same no matter where you go in the world, i find. Kids are kids, and they want to be loved. And they are loved at Mak Jolly.
Special thanks to Maureen Momo Hansen for being a pioneer and starting the school, and letting me to be a part of it.
Special thanks to the staff and people around Mak Jolly who welcomed me with no hesitation.
And lastly a special thanks to the UN and Prisco Dalla Fontana for making sure we got to the airport in time.
I will come back to Mak Jolly many times in the future, and i already miss it all".
1st March 2018: A 10.000 l watertank was donated by volunteers Mary and Ida, Denmark.
Thanks to Y's Men Tornved and Y's Men Holbæk Fjord, Denmark, for a donation to start construction of a new kitchen.
25th February 2018: Private donations
23rd February 2018: 353 children at Mak-Jolly Kindergarten, Primary & Daycare Center
Spelling competition Primary 1-7. Thanks to volunteer Magnus and teacher Gorret for organising.
9th February 2018: Donations were given by Jyderup Kristent Center and Holbæk Frikirke, Denmark.
5th February 2018: Welcome to volunteers Leigh Ann, Ida and Magnus from Denmark
5th February 2018: Start of Term 1.
22nd January 2018: Start of Term 1 for Primary 7.
1st December 2017: End of Term 3.
17th November 2017: Tour Day.
Going to Entebbe to see airplanes and visit the zoo. Playland in Freedom City.
13th November 2017: Exams begins
8th November 2017: Another ambassador for Mak-Jolly is Lone Jørgensen, Kristent Center Jyderup, Denmark.
18th September 2017: Term 3 begins
11th September 2017: Start Term 3 for Primary 4, 5, 6
18th August 2017: End of Term 2
7th August 2017: Exams begins
4th August 2017: Parents Meeting for Primary 4, 5 and 6
40 parents attended the meeting. It was about ways of improving on the academic performance of the children. We are now 294 children in Mak-Jolly.
28th June 2017: Sommerparty Y's Men's Club, Denmark
Director Maureen Kabasinguzi told and showed photos about the school. Money were raised for Mak-Jolly. Thanks for a wonderful evening.
Thanks to Tornved Y' Men's Club, Holbæk Fjord Y's Men's Club, Odsherred Y's Men's Club and Holbæk Y's Men's Club. God Bless you all.
25th June 2017: Visit in Bibelværkstedet, Denmark
Director Maureen Kabasinguzi told and showed photos about the school. Money were raised for Mak-Jolly. Thanks for a wonderful day. God Bless you all.
29th May 2017: Term 2 Begins
20th May 2017: Market in Denmark
About 100 people visited the market held by Kristent Center, Jyderup in Denmark. Director Maureen Kabasinguzi told and showed photos about the school. Money were raised for Mak-Jolly. Thanks for a wonderful day and thanks to all that gave things for the market and made it happend.
5th May 2017: End of Term 1.
24th April 2017: Exams Begins.
13th April 2017: School Athletics Kiryandongo City.
35 children in the age between 8-12 year participated in School Athletics in Kiryandongo. It was first time Makjolly participated. It was a hard and tiresome day, but great fun and they enjoyed. Some won there category: high jump and long jump and long distance run for under age 12 year. All results next week and some are going to represent the District in Athletics against other schools in Uganda.
10th April 2017: "Run for NO Hunger"
243 children participated in the run. It was a fun day without any accidents. Money was collected to food by friends and family and some sponsors. Thanks to all.
13th February 2017: New School Bus starts operating
6th February 2017: Term 1 begins for all classes.
30th January 2017: Teachers begin Term 1 preparing.
28th December 2016: Fundraising for a new school van.
Deadline for the fundraising is 1st February 2017.
9th December 2016: End of Year for Primary 4 and 5.
2nd December 2016: End of Year for Baby, Middle, Top Class, Primary 1, 2 and 3.
26th November 2016: Speech Day.
28 children graduated. 300 Parents and 215 children attended.
21st-25th November 2016: Exams Term 3.
4th November 2016: Tour.
18 children and 8 staff go to Para National Park.
26th September 2016: Start of Term 3.
2nd September 2016: End of Term 2.
22nd-26th August 2016: Exams Term 2
6th August 2016: Exhibtion day
27th June 2016: Camilla Teilmann arrives to volunteer for 4 weeks
6th June 2016: Start of Term 2
13th May 2016: End of Term 1
Reportcards were given to the parents.
9th-12th May 2016: Corrections/marks of Exams End 1 Term
7th May 2016: Parrents Meeting
More than 60 Parrents attended. A Form was filled out by the parrents regarding likes/don't like and improvement on academic performance and doing well/not well in Makjolly Daycare, Kindergarten and Primary School.
2nd-6th May 2016: End of Term 1 Exams
4th April 2016: Mid Term exams begins
10th March 2016: Total of 100 New Children
8th March 2016: Women's Day
Makjolly Kids Marching.
29th February 2016: Term Exams Begins
22nd February 2016: Start of Term 1
19th February 2016: Orientation and Interviews for new Pupils
About 70 new children.
20th January 2016: New Staff Interviews
4th January 2016: Registration Begins
28th November 2015: Speachday
152 children with 25 graduating.
27th November 2015: End of Term 3
23rd November 2015: Roofing new School Building Begins
16th November 2015: Exam Begins
6th November 2o15: Tour to Museum and Zoo
7th September 2015: Start of Term 3
7th August 2015: End of Term 2
1st August 2015: Ambassador for the School
Camilla Teilmann, Denmark, was appointed Ambassador for Makjolly School.
27th July 2015: Exams begins
18th May 2015: Start of Term 2
Children reported at school on time for second term 2015.
24th April 2015: End of Term 1
The School Term came to an end and parents along with their children reported to school between 9.00am and 4.00pm
to receive their children's performance files (Report Cards).
10th April 2015: Construction of new schoolbuilding begins
27th March 2015: Exhibition Day
The children showing projects to their parents.
14th March 2015: Donation of football clothes
Thanks to Jyderup Football Club for a lot sportswear.
8th March 2015: Women's Day
The girls marching on Women's Day in support of education for the girl child.
22nd February 2015:
Now there are 154 children.
2nd February 2015: Beginning of First Term
29th and 30th January 2015: Interwiews and Orientation
New pupils and parents are expected at school from 8:00am to 5:00pm.
25th January 2015: Donation of shoes
The school was given shoes by Skoringen in Holbaek. Thanks to Marianne and Jan.
18th January 2015: Donation of toys and clothes
Thanks to Pernille. The children will have a happy time this year.
11th January 2015: Fundraising for a new classroom block
With the increasing number of children in need of better education it was realized that there would be a need of a new class this year.
Therefor any contribution will be appreciated. For donation click here.
We thank those who have already placed in their contribution.
23rd December 2014: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Children, Parents, Teachers, Sponsers and Friends thank you for supporting Mak-Jolly. Wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
God bless you all.
1st December 2014: End of Third Term
The school will break off for hollidays and all parents are expected to come and receive their children's files.
29th November 2014: School Party
We are to have the end of year party, come and have fun with the children.
1st-30th November 2014: Volunteer
Mak-Jolly is priviliged to have a wonderful volunteer Camilla from Denmark.
8th November 2014: Meeting
The school conducted a Parents/teachers meeting and a Parents Teachers Association (PTA) was officially formed.
8th September 2014: Beginning of Third Term
2 more Orphans will be joining the School this term, Thanks to Brian, Savannah and Brad from USA.
25th July 2014: End of Second Term
The School Term came to an end and parents along with their children reported to school between 9.00am and 4.00pm to receive their children's performance files (Report Cards).
19th May 2014: Beginning of Second Term
Children reported at school on time for second term 2014.
26th April 2014: Witnessed the Directors Wedding
The children presented a song to the Bride and Groom and also shared a cake with the couple.
17th April 2014: End of First Term
The School Term came to an end and parents along with their children reported to school between 9.00am and 4.00pm to receive their children's performance files (Report Cards).
11th April 2014: Exhibition
Parents and Guardians were invited to the school to check on the children's activities, performance and progress in and outside classrooms.
Mid March 2014: Loss of a Parent
We were unfortunate to encounter the loss of one of our parents and since the child was left helpless, the School Committee decided to include the child on the list of those sponsored by the school.
10th February 2014: Beginning of First Term
Children reported at school on time for first term 2014. There was an increase in the number of children from 56 to 102 and the school also employed more staff.
20th December 2013: End of Third Term
Parents along with their children reported to school between 9.00am and 4.00pm to receive their performance files (Report Cards).
18th December 2013: Christmas Party
Two days to the closure of third Term, a colourful party was held. It involved Traditional Dances, a Christmas play, reciting of poems, lots of Food and drinks. This was crowned with receiving presents from Father Christmas. The Children had a lot of fun and left the ground with smiles on their faces.
23rd July 2013: Tour
The children ended second term in July by visiting the surrounding public places; they visited Churches, Hospital, Police Station, Mosque and the Market Place.
20th June 2013: We had a visitor
Per Hansen visited the school and every child got scholarstic materials as a present.
March 2013: Abby and Becky visited
Abby and Becky visited the school and donated chairs, play materials, books and carried out many activities with the children such as painting.
29th November 2012: The grand opening
The Day opened with a prayer led by one of the children. Then this was followed by presentations by the children. This was in form of song, poetry and drama. There was a parents meeting after lunch. Then the day was crowned by the children’s football match between the orange team and grey team.